You are a True Pioneer
And you're designed to be a positive contribution as you raise consciousness in your corner of the world.
You know this deep within you, and so you’ve probably explored a lot of spiritual and personal development resources and topics trying to figure out how in the world to navigate environments that are sometimes enmeshed in hustling, getting things done at all costs, and a patriarchal way of leading, and getting things done that doesn't always sit well with who YOU are, and the amazing gifts you're meant to share in your corner of the world.
So, here’s a Truth that will probably resonate with you in a deeply personal way.
Because you have such a strong desire to help others, and a capacity to get a lot accomplished — you can also find yourself feeling as if you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Perhaps you’re the person “everyone” comes to for guidance or to get things done. Which means that you probably find yourself in cycles of over-committing, only to end up wondering how in the world you’re going to get it all done. You may feel exhausted, you’re probably hard on yourself too, and perhaps even questioning where you fit in, even though you have accomplished and contributed so much.
- Where’s the magic you know in your heart you’re here to experience?
- How can you connect with more ease and peaceful prosperity while sharing the contributions you’re here to happily express?
- And what about deeper fulfillment for you?
There are many counter-to-happiness ideas floating around about the need to sacrifice, work harder, hustle, and who you should be in your work and relationships. This way-of-being leaves you exhausted, and ultimately doubting yourself. Why? Because the standard approach most often taught — takes you further away from your deeper truth about success, happiness, and fuller, more authentic expression.
And how can you truly thrive, be fulfilled, or create the beautiful contributions you want to share ... if you're using a blueprint that wasn't designed to help you be the best version of YOU?
But, the solution isn’t found in accomplishing more, trying harder, getting more life balance tips, finding "the best" time management tools, creating boundaries in the way most people think of them ... or getting yet another healing treatment to help you find your core wounds. The answers are found somewhere else entirely. So ...
You have amazing gifts to share, and you are meant to share them in a graceful, fulfilling way for you ... as you also raise the consciousness of this beautiful, sometimes challenging planet in your unique way.
But, if you’re overcommitting, hard on yourself, and not deeply fulfilled, then you haven’t discovered or integrated your inner treasure, the sacred gifts and potential that help you gracefully navigate life, while making the joyous contributions you’re here to share.
These superpowers often get buried by social conditioning, gender roles, “busyness”, and other people’s expectations and opinions. And so, naturally, they’re not easy to see for yourself. Plus, you’re probably processing far more than you know, and I personally know how confusing that can be, and how that can lead to burnout, and being hard on yourself. And that just gets in the way of your deep joy and the impact you’re here to make. You need to truly get who YOU are if you want more ease, more magic and more joy!
*Start By Discovering Your Soul Archetype*
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What does being a soulful leadership master look like for you?
Soul Archetype Quiz for Conscious Corporate Women ...
Discover your archetype strengths and opportunities for more purpose, impact and ease.
100% Free Quiz
I am an Integrated Potential Advisor, and I am here to help you uncover and integrate your authentic gifts, so you can create deep fulfillment for yourself, while also sharing the profound contributions you are here to gracefully express inside your work, relationships, and circles of influence.
I've been helping people live with profound clarity, joy, and purpose since 2003. That's when I left a successful 20-year corporate career, and a c-level executive leadership position ... to teach a fulfilling, soul-nurturing way to live, work, and play from the heart and soul of YOU. I've done that for myself, have helped thousands of people do it, and I can help you too!
Are you ready to experience more of life’s magic as you expand consciousness and joy inside your community?
So Much Peace and Doing
My Soul's Work...
After working with Elari, I was able to break through the old patterns and beliefs that were holding me back from being the person I came here to be. I now love and believe in myself, and I am doing my soul's work! Thank you, Elari, I appreciate you, and all of your support and guidance.
Laurie Millo
Tequesta, FL
Got Promoted, a New Relationship. It was Easy!
I wanted to tell you again what a difference your program has made for me! I've been promoted, and surpassed all of my goals, and it was easy. I am in a new relationship, recently moved, and just bought another investment property. I am so at ease now. Keep doing what you’re doing; it makes a difference!
Nevada City, CA
So Much Possibility!
I see that possibilities are unlimited. I loved the support, and am so clear now. I really appreciated the shared experiences too! This was such a powerful program and I would recommend it to anyone! Thank you, Elari!
Karen Speights
Norfolk, VA
Here's Your Opportunity
If you are looking to put soul and creativity back into your goals, then here is your opportunity. Elari’s approach merges insights about unleashing the human spirit with practical tools to help you align with your true definition of success!
Ken Foster
CEO Shared Vision Network, Author of Ask and You Will Succeed
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